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The 21st Century is characterized by high speed change and challenging competition. To equip students at Good Faith to handle these challenges they are educated through a process which has the right mix of academics, creativity and character. This approach nurtures the specific talents of the student. In the process, learning becomes fun.

An orientation is given to students to familiarize them with emerging technologies and relevant issues. Community-based activities form part of school learning to build qualities of citizenship, compassion and empathy.

The process of education is a dynamic, purposeful and socially relevant one. All that happens in the school and outside, events of the past and present are transformed into a learning experience. Curriculum is made vibrant by the active involvement of the students in project work, experiments and other assignment works. Many co-curricular activities are planned in literary, cultural, sports and games to tap, nurture and develop talents to a level of excellence, keeping the students highly motivated. The Grade Point Average is calculated for every student taking into consideration academics, literary and cultural activities, sports and games, discipline, punctuality, regularity to class, attitude towards school, teachers and fellow pupils. Clarification and inculcation of desirable values, concern for the underprivileged, and a deep spiritual culture are our guiding principles.

Our teaching strategies and evaluation systems are constantly being evolved to meet the changing needs of the society. A genuine effort is made to inculcate a positive attitude towards the underprivileged by taking up various service-oriented programmes.

Curriculam Activities:

  • Games
  • Annual Sports
  • Dance & Drama
  • Quiz, Drawing & Painting
  • Science Exhibitions
  • Environment related Project work

Knowledge and Learning do not make sense without effective application:

  • Every student is expected to maintain punctuality.
  • Every student should be obedient and repect elders. Failure to do so may justify a student to be dismissed.
  • The students ar instructed to maintain cleanliness in the school campus.
  • Home assignments should be done regularly.
  • Pocket money, Jewellery, Mobile phones and any other valuables should not be given to the student. The management will not be responsible for any such loss or theft.
  • Every student should come in proper uniform and subission of leave letter is essential before taking a leave.

Celebrations and Entertainment:

  • Excursion
  • School Day
  • Farewells
  • Awards
  • Independence Day
  • Republic Day


  • Nursery L.K.G. ad U.K.G. syllabus is based on valued, experienced and process tested playway, creative learning which is the base for the mind for high goals and achievements in future.
  • I to V classes syllabus is based on the pattern on NCERT books.
  • VI class onwards state syllabus is followed in order to prepare for the state public examination.